
Building progress of the new Tectubi Raccordi/Allied Group production facilities in China.

Construction of the TECTUBI TIANJIN FITTINGS production facilities in China is proceeding at a good pace.

Production at the new ALLIED GROUP factory is expected to start in the first half of 2010.

The photos alongside show how far building work has progressed.
From top to bottom: panoramic view of the outside, outside of the offices, cutting department, outside of the canteen, yard, inside of a warehouse, porter's lodge, entrance to offices, reception, hall, meeting room, executive office.

Websites of the Group

SAIC SAS - Siège social / Registered office: 76 bis Rue des Poilus, 59192 Beuvrages, France -
Capital social/ Paid capital € 1,104,000 - Chambre du Commerce / Chamber of Commerce RCS 844804815 - TVA / VAT No. FR09844804815
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